
Talking about HerBitcoin on the German Podcast EINUNDZWANZIG

This podcast episode is about BTC23, HerBitcoin and a lot of other content made with love.
"Verliebt in Bitcoin" - who is not in love with Bitcoin?

EINUNDZWANZIG - Verliebt in Bitcoin

Blog 004 | 27.09.2023 | Janine Griesser
First Mentioning on the German Podcast "Was Bitcoin bringt." from Niko Jilch

After BTC23 - the biggest german speaking event - Niko Jilch talked about HerBitcoin on his BTC23 review.

Was Bitcoin bringt. - Niko Jilch

Blog 003 | 25.09.2023 | Janine Griesser
First HerBitcoin Meetup in Innsbruck BTC23

Our first meetup in Innsbruck on 15th September 2023 was a great success.
24 women came together talking about Bitcoin and how they feel as a women in this space.
More coming soon ...

BTC23 - Innsbruck, Austria

Blog 002 | 24.09.2023 | Janine Griesser
Write your own content on

If you would like to write a blog post about Bitcoin e.g.

- How to set up a node?
- How to secure your Bitcoin?
- What was your way to Bitcoin?

or something else you would like to share with the Her Bitcoin community just write us at

Blog 001 | 18.08.2023 | Janine Griesser